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If you are new to freelancing and want to know what freelance jobs are and what freelancing, this blog is for you. Consider it your go-to guide to freelancing. As more and more things are moving to an online platform, we’ll majorly focus on how to begin your online journey working from home. Yes, that’s possible. This article consists of steps that you should follow if you want to become a freelancer, and trust us; you can be one!

But first, what is freelancing?

In the whole employee vs entrepreneur world, freelancing is a different way to work.

Consider it as a mid-way. Freelancers are self-employed people who don’t work at a particular company but a lot of them. Sounds interesting. Doesn’t it?

A freelancer is hired for a specific project, service, or task by the client (or conventionally the employer).

A freelancer works on a variety of projects at the same time but for different clients. In a freelance job, one has to manage priorities, time, and workload and do taxes.

That might feel like a lot to handle, but there is no feeling like being your boss. A freelancer can work from anywhere globally, and at given times, it mainly involves working from home.

If you are wondering what roles freelancers play, the answer is almost everything. You can choose any field as a freelancer from services like writing, editing, consultancy, marketing, designing, ICT, virtual administration, social media management, etc. Often freelancers are experts in their respective domains and work independently. However, they can also work in person.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry!

Now, that you know what is freelancing, let’s see how to get into it. If you are a complete beginner, you need to recognize your skills and advertise your services to your existing network- friends, family, college alumni, etc. As they trust you and are more likely to hire you, you can get some jobs, which will help you build a resume and a portfolio. Along with that, you will also have some testimonials. It is known as building your reputation, which is the most essential part of the freelancing world. The next step is acquiring clients. In 2022, it is essential to have an online presence to sell your services. You have to start building a personal brand to generate leads. Take help from existing platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Put out content that shows that you are an expert in your domain. Have a blog or website showcasing your work, and don’t forget to be creative. If this is not your thing, find what medium you are comfortable in and attract your target audience. Search for freelance jobs on LinkedIn, and don’t forget to network. Approach prospective clients and show them your work. Another way is to sign up for a freelancing website. There are plenty of them, and you can search and start applying for jobs that you are fit for. These sites have a customer base that is always looking for freelancers. Tip: Look for niche sites that you are specialized in rather than general sites, as they often pay better. For example, if you are a UI/UX designer, look for freelancing sites that have a focus on graphic designers rather than signing up on any website.


Making money from your website isn’t a myth. It’s doable by anyone.

Turning a part-time, hobby blog or website into an income-generating asset is fairly common with a bit of luck and some hard work.

At the very least, you should be able to make enough to cover your basic expenses for a domain and web hosting – which are essential for keeping your website up and running.

You might even be able to replace your income (and then earn some more).

Keep in mind that the strategies listed below range from easy and passive, to the ones which require a ton of ongoing work (so make sure you pick something that suits your site and lifestyle preferences).

BEST Ways to Make Money with Your Website

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular (not to mention the quickest and my favorite way) ways to make money from your website or blog.

Statista predicts that in 2022, companies will spend approximately $8.2 billion on affiliate marketing.

Start by finding a product you like and would recommend. Then on your website, you endorse the product and promote it to your website visitors and email subscribers.

If the product or service resonates with these people, they’ll click on your affiliate link, purchasing the product (while you get a split of the sale price).

The commission might be anywhere from 30% of the product or service price, up to as high as 70%.

For example, if the split is 50% and you promote an e-book that costs $100, you’ll get $50 for simply referring the buyer. Pretty sweet deal, huh?!

Where Can I Find Products to Promote?

  • Commission junction – offers reliable products with on-time payments.

  • ShareASale – mostly clothes, accessories, and other offline goods.

  • Clickbank – high percentage payouts, but there’s a lack of good products to promote.

2. “Pay Per Click” Advertising (Google Adsense)

AdWords are the advertisements that show up on the top of Google search result pages.

AdSense is the reverse, allowing publishers to tap into Google’s immense advertising network so that other advertisers can run ads on their websites.

The best part about this system is how simple everything is.

Once you sign up, Google will place a simple code on your website that will identify the content of your site and start displaying relevant advertisements.

For example, if your site is about pets (dogs & cats), Google AdSense will start showing your visitors ads for cat food, dog training, and more.

You get paid each time someone clicks on the ad. (Yes, it’s that easy!)

Your cut might be anywhere from $0.50 to $5 per click. When your site has enough traffic, you can make hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) each month.

h. Click here to add your text and edit me. It's easy.

How to Apply for Google Adsense?

Apply for AdSense – Before applying, make sure you keep up with their latest Terms Of Service. Google has very strict rules, so it’s hard to get (and stay) approved.

Sell Your Own Digital Product (E-Book for Example)

You have the potential to make the most money on a per-sale basis when you can sell your own directly.

That’s because there’s no middleman or person between you and the buyer that’s taking a ‘cut’ from the money earned.

This approach seems fairly straightforward because you can simply sell these products directly through your website and get paid immediately.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple in reality.

Creating good products that are well-made and polished requires a ton of time and additional resources (like design, content, etc.).

There are a lot of ‘hidden costs in both times spent and the contractors to collaborate with. Selling your products on your site also brings up problematic issues like payment gateways, shipping, and taxes.

If it doesn’t sound like enough work already, you’ll also need a well-designed, persuasive landing page to make sure your product has a strong conversion rate.

Generate ‘Leads’ for Other Companies

Businesses thrive on new leads coming in their doors to inquire about their products or services.

It’s no surprise that they’re always on the lookout, searching for creative ways to find new sources of leads to help them grow.

For example:

Let’s say you have a website about teaching math skills. Your reader’s information (like their email address or phone number) would be of great value to different online schools that are looking to sell their courses to eager, proactive students.

you’re connecting the dots; playing the matchmaker by introducing two parties who can benefit one another. While it’s similar to how affiliate marketing works, in this case, it doesn’t matter if your reader ends up purchasing their product or not. They’re just looking for an introduction at this point.

Where Can I Find Such Offers?

Build an ‘Email List’

Spend any amount of time reading blog growth tips, and you’re sure to come across people saying “the money’s in the list“.

They’re referring to your email list, which comprises your most loyal readers. The objective is to convert as many strangers who visit your site for the first time into passionate followers who want to stay up-to-date on your latest work or content.

Admittedly this is a long-term strategy (and you definitely won’t get rich overnight). But it’s one of the best, long-term methods to grow your blog into a full-fledged, money-making enterprise profitably.

Never lose sight of creating relationships with your followers. Offering great information or free help is a perfect way to start. Spamming people with unsolicited offers is one of the fastest ways to abuse the reader’s trust and sabotage your long-term goals.

How Does It Exactly Work?

I hope you like it :)...

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